Friday, March 2, 2007

Why Computers are Frustrating

The problem that people have with computers is that they are intimidated by them. They think the person has to be smart to use them or at least understand how they work. You don't need to be a brain surgeon or understand the interworkings of a computer system to use them. The other problem people have is that they don't want to take the chance of breaking it because the cost of a computer is high, granted not as high as it used to be but still high enough to cause anxiety.

You watch a child get on the computer and you think to yourself, how can they get on there and not have any issues about figuring out how different programs work. They aren't intimidated by this elaborate machine. They use as just another tool that they have at their disposal, much like a television or can opener. To them, it isn't an expensive product that speaks in a foreign language. It is a tool they can use to get their homework done easier and a toy to entertain them until dinner time.

Once you realize that the computer isn't the one in charge it will make it less frustrating to use. If you take some basic classes you will understand the tasks that used to confuse you. The urge to throw the computer threw the window will pass with the training you receive. There will still be times that the computer will frustrate you, it will do things like shut down for no reason, get a blue screen and you don't know why, or even not turn on at all. But once you find out how to deal with these problems and realize you are the one in charge, the computer won't be as frustrating.

Helium Article

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